Privacy Policy of Z-Alpha Brains

NEURALCODE AI PRIVATE LIMITED, a private limited company having its registered office at Haryana, India, owns and manages the website and mobile Application Z-ALPHA BRAINS™. The company is committed to protecting your privacy and the information that you share while using and operating the Platform. The company values your privacy and takes responsibility in relation to your data seriously.


This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) is published in compliance with, inter alia:

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy ("Policy"), wherever the context so requires:

You unequivocally agree that this Policy and the aforementioned terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and us, and that you shall be subject to the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to any service that is provided by the platform, and that the same shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Terms, and shall be treated as part and parcel of the same.

We reserve the sole and exclusive right to amend or modify this policy & upload the revised policy on the platform Z ALPHA BRAINS™. You also have a duty to periodically check the terms and stay updated on its requirements. In so far as you comply with this policy, you are granted a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited privilege to enter and use the platform.


You expressly agree and acknowledge that the Company collects and stores your personal information, which is provided by you from time to time on the Platform, including but not limited to your username, passwords, email address, name, address, age, date of birth, sex, nationality, etc., as well as any images or other information uploaded/published by you on the Platform. This information will be used by the Company/Platform to provide services and features to you, that are most likely to meet your needs, and also to customize and improve the Platform to make its user experience safer and more friendly.

You are aware that the Company/Platform may automatically track certain information about you based on your IP address and your behavior on the Platform, and you expressly consent to the same. This information is used to do internal research on user demographics, interests, and behavior, to better understand, and cater to the interests of its users. This may include the URL that you visited prior to accessing the Platform, the URL which you subsequently visit (whether or not these URLs form a part of the Platform), your computer & web browser information, your IP address, etc.

If you choose to post messages/reviews/feedback anywhere on the Platform, including but not limited to message boards, chat rooms, other message areas, etc., you are aware that any and all such information provided/uploaded will be collected and stored by the Company and that such retained information may be used to resolve disputes, provide customer support, troubleshoot problems, etc., and that such information, if requested, may be provided to judicial or governmental authorities of requisite jurisdiction, or otherwise used by the Company/Platform as permitted by applicable laws.

You are aware that any and all information pertaining to you collected by the Company, whether or not directly provided by you to the Company/Platform, including but not limited to personal correspondence such as emails or letters, feedback, messages from other users or third parties regarding your activities or postings on the Platform, etc., may be collected and compiled by the Company/Platform into a file/folder specifically created for / allotted to you, and you hereby expressly consent to the same.

You are aware that the Company/Platform may occasionally request you to complete optional online surveys. These surveys may require you to provide contact information and demographic information (like zip code, age, income bracket, sex, etc.). You are aware that this data too is used to customize the Platform for your benefit and providing all users of the Platform with products/services/content they might be interested in availing of, and also to display content according to your preferences.

Users are solely responsible for their actions and responses made on Platform. The Company does not endorse or take responsibility for any user-generated content, including but not limited to comments, opinions, feedback, polls or discussions.

Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to compel the Platform/Company to store, upload, publish, or display in any manner content/reviews/surveys/feedback submitted by you, and you hereby expressly authorize the Platform/Company to remove from the Platform any such content, review, survey, or feedback submitted by you, without cause or being required to notify you of the same.


We may collect and use Personal Information to provide you with services that we think may be of interest to you, or to communicate with you for other purposes which are evident from the circumstances when we collect Personal Information from you.

We are the controller of customer data and may process such data as may be required. We store the information collected from the Platform, which is used to:

The information is processed and analyzed by automated means to offer a variety of features that you get from using the Platform. The information will be used for advanced analytics to offer additional insightful features in the future. We may also anonymize (de-personalize) your information we collect and combine it with other information sources for the purpose of advanced analytics and future use cases.


You are aware that a ‘Cookie’ is a small piece of information stored by a web server on a web browser so it can later be traced back from that particular browser, and that cookies are useful for enabling the browser to remember information specific to a given user, including but not limited to your login identification, password, etc. You are aware that the Platform places both permanent and temporary cookies in Your computer's hard drive and web browser and do hereby expressly consent to the same.

You are further aware that the Platform uses data collection devices such as cookies on certain pages of the Platform to help analyze web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety, and that certain features of the Platform are only available through the use of such cookies. While You are free to decline the Platform's cookies if Your browser permits, you may consequently be unable to use certain features on the Platform.


You are aware that the Platform/Company may share Your personal information with other corporate entities and affiliates to provide better services, help detect and prevent identity theft, fraud, and other potentially illegal acts; correlate related or multiple accounts to prevent abuse of the Platform's services; and to facilitate joint or co-branded services, where such services are provided by more than one corporate entity.

You are aware that the Platform/Company may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or if the Platform/Company in good faith believes that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes. The Platform/Company may also disclose Your personal information to law enforcement offices, third party rights owners, or other third parties if it believes that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce the Terms or Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting, or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of its users, or the general public.

You are further aware that the Platform/Company and its affiliates may share/transfer some or all of Your personal information with other business entities should the Company/Platform (or its assets) plan to merge with, or be acquired by such business entity, or in the event of re-organization, amalgamation, or restructuring of the Company's business. Such business entity or new entity will continue to be bound by the Terms and Policy, as may be amended from time to time.


We take the security of your data very seriously. We work hard to protect the information you provide from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access or disclosure. Given the nature of communications and information processing technology, we cannot guarantee that any information, during transmission through the internet or while stored on our systems or otherwise in our care, will be absolutely safe from intrusion by others.

Since no security is full-proof, and in case we become aware of any breach of security of your information, we will notify you using the email address that we have. If you do not agree to the terms discussed above, you should exit our Platform, uninstall our app, or stop using the same. When you access our Platform, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to abide by the terms described above.


You are aware that the Company/Platform uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads to You over the Platform. You are aware that these companies may use information relating to Your visits to the Platform and other Platforms in order to provide customized advertisements to You. Furthermore, the Platform may contain links to other Platforms that may collect personally identifiable information about You. The Company/Platform is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any of the aforementioned linked Platforms, and You expressly acknowledge the same and agree that any and all risks associated will be borne entirely by You.


Your privacy is extremely important to us. However, we may disclose certain information obtained to the following:


We reserve the right to update, modify and amend any of the terms of our Privacy Policy, at any time without prior intimation to you. We shall not be liable for any failure or negligence on your part to review the updated Privacy Policy before accessing or using the Platform. Your continued use of the Platform, following changes to the Privacy Policy, will constitute your acceptance of those changes.

We understand that all Personal Information provided by you to us is voluntary. Collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information require your express consent unless there are other legal grounds available to us to collect such information as further specified in this Privacy Policy. By using or accessing the Platforms or otherwise providing to us with your Personal Information, where applicable, you are providing to us with your consent to use, collection, retention, transfer, and disclosure of the Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

In the event of a change in the law applicable to data protection in India, you hereby expressly consent to our continued use, storage, collection, and disclosure of your information including Personal Information to the fullest extent permitted under such applicable law. We may reach out to you for obtaining additional consents as required under the amended law, and you will be required to comply with such requests. Should you choose to not provide us with such additional consents, we may have to discontinue your access to the Platforms.

You may choose to not provide us with or withdraw any or all information included under Personal Information, but in the event that you do so, we may be unable to allow you to access the Platform or otherwise avail services for the provision of which your information is being collected or processed.


You expressly consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and storage of the information provided/disclosed by you on the Platform in accordance with this Policy.


In accordance with the IT Act and rules made thereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below. If you have any concerns or questions in relation to our Platform or this Privacy Policy, you may address them to our grievance officer.

Name: Shubham Singh